Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14 - Kim's Birthday (from Bill & Chris Black)

Oct. 14, 2008 - Kim’s 27th Birthday

Who ever would have believed that all Kim wanted on her birthday this year is for her husband to say her name - even just to mouth it.

I (Chris) left Winnipeg on Sat., Oct. 11th., the day after James' angioplasty (to stop a bleed in his pelvic area), tracheotomy, and g-tube were done. He was pretty wiped out and just needed to rest. It was tough to leave but having Rachel come in my place to help Kim and knowing Brian and Judy (James’ Mom and Dad) would still be there made it a little easier.

We can’t thank everyone enough for all the acts of kindness and generosity you have shown to support James and Kim. They are obviously a highly regarded young couple. It is truly a tragedy that this accident happened so early in their lives together.

Kim is coping well - she is working hard to maintain her health so she can be there for James. She thinks a lot about Mike and his family and the loss they have suffered, and appreciates conversations she has with Melina, Mike’s girlfriend. She knows how fortunate she is that James is alive. However, it is devastating for everyone, especially Kim and James' family, to see him so helpless and in such pain.

That brings me to what an amazing family James has. His sister Brooke, Brian and Judy have been by his side constantly, willing him to get better. His sister,Tara, organized an amazing fund raiser to help Kim and James deal with the financial strain of extra expenses and no income for awhile. Also, James’ Uncle Keith who made the arrangements to get Kim and Brian back to Winnipeg in such a hurry and started the trust fund at the Royal Bank in Nanaimo - and Grandpa Harry who I know is so concerned he is coming to Winnipeg to lend a hand. I also know Judy’s family has been a support as has James cousins. And Sheri has been there to support and get information to help with the insurance claim. It has been heart warming to watch this family pull together to make sure James has everything he needs. There couldn’t be two more loving and awesome parents than Brian and Judy - and believe me they have been through absolute “hell” in trying to make sense of what has happened to their son. Not only are they dealing with their son who has been in critical condition but they are supporting and staying positive for Kim. We can’t thank them enough for that!

While I was in Winnipeg there was a network of people at home helping to make sure updates got out and that Kim felt supported. The CF community, friends and family have all helped so much with their positive thoughts and prayers. Special thanks to Shannon Brown for helping Kim through some very tough moments!

I have heard people express their gratitude to Tara (Black) for her work on the blog - it has helped a lot. Rachel is helping Kim over the weekend and then it will be Tara’s turn. Everyone has been so conscious of helping take some of the pressure off Kim so she can focus on her own health and being with James.

Thank you to Jo-Ann Wallis for contacting Neil Cameron from the Courier Islander who did an incredible feature story about Kim and James - thanks Neil.

Thank you to all who supported the fund raisers that have been held in Vancouver and Nanaimo to help Kim and James. Thanks for the donations of auction items (Sheila - Coast Discovery Inn) and more - it all means so much. Thanks to Global TV for promoting the event and I also heard that CBC radio did some announcements for the Nanaimo event. Thanks to all who have sent donations to the Trust Fund or directly to Kim and James. You have no idea how much this takes the pressure off Kim - she won’t have to worry about getting right back to work - she has enough on her mind! And Kim’s co workers - what a blessing they have been - making a large contribution to the fund and being there for support.

Thank you to Kim’s friends who have rallied around - and Chelsea (Chenery) - you’re awesome - working on a fund raiser in Victoria - as if you don’t have enough on your plate. You all have been such a support for Kim - even though she hasn’t had time to phone you all she appreciates your thoughts and knows you are there for her - just what she needs.

To my family - my Dad, sisters - Leigh, Diane and brother, Bruce - thanks for being there - and Kim’s cousins - thank you for caring so much! To Bill’s brothers - thanks for checking in on Bill when I was gone.

Thank you to James' friends who have phoned and arranged fund raisers in Vancouver - it is so thoughtful of you all. I would like to be able to hug you all ! Keep us informed of the fund raisers and I will do what I can to help promote them.

At this moment we are anxiously waiting to hear the results of preliminary discussions about getting James back to Vancouver. Winnipeg has been wonderful to us! The care at the Health Sciences Centre has been excellent and the Surgical Intensive Care Unit staff have been the best! Not only has James had terrific care but the CF clinic has been extremely helpful in meeting some of Kim’s needs. The CF chapter in Winnipeg has been checking in and Bill and Sandy Johnston leant us their car and home.

There is a group of individuals who have rallied around Brian and the family providing more help than we ever could have hoped for. They have been there from the first moments picking us up at the airport, arranging accommodation and helping us work through the system - the Winnipeg Firefighters have been unbelievable - brought me to tears when I was met by one at the airport - they have gone above and beyond - just can’t thank them enough. I also know the Nanaimo Firefighters have been a huge support for Brian.

It is so reassuring to know that Kim and James have so much support in Campbell River, Nanaimo, Victoria and Vancouver.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Bill and Chris Black


Unknown said...

Chris, your post made me cry! Our thoughts and prayers are with Kim and James and I'm glad to hear that James is fighting so hard with everything. You mentioned a friend who is putting together a fundraiser in Victoria, please let me know if there is anything that needs to be done, I'm happy to help in any way I can, even if it is just to use some work contacts. Thank you for the moving updates and hugs and happy birthday to Kim.

evision said...
