Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rehab begins

I am very pleased to announce that James was transferred to GF Strong on Nov. 12th. It was a bit of a chaotic transfer as VGH left everything to the last minute however, once he was settled in his new room, all was well. They started the rehab process almost right away. The wonderful Doctors, Speech and Language Pathologists, the Occupational Therapist, the Physiotherapist and the Social Worker assessed him within the first few days.  I am very impressed with his team. James has scheduled appointments every weekday and has evenings and weekends off. Visitors are welcomed during these times but please email me ( to schedule a visit.

The team at GF Strong figure he will stay as an inpatient for about 4 to 8 weeks then will continue as an outpatient for as long as he needs. Throughout his time as an inpatient though he will be allowed to go out on day passes. He’s hoping to get out to a Canucks game at some point but his body needs to get used to being up in a wheelchair for longer periods of time first. James and I went to a comedy night that the Peers program at GF Strong put on. They had comedians from Yuk Yuks come to perform. He lasted 1hr and a half in his chair but did complain of back pain after only 45 minutes. James played pool with some family members in the game room last night as well.

James continues to amaze me everyday. His strength gets him through the demanding therapies but I must say I was flattered when James told me that I was his reason to get up everyday. I nearly burst into tears with happiness! I feel so incredibly lucky to have my soul mate by my side. This has been incredibly challenging and it’s only because of the support we have received from all of you out there that I have been able to get through this. Thank you so much!

1 comment:

Linda Isaacs said...

Kim & James
There is not a day that passes that we don`t think of you . I want you to know that our family and friends have you in their thoughts and prayers,and always ask how you are doing.My Mom & Dad send you their love and prayers James, and they talk about the time you spent talking with them,Thank you for that.
So glad to hear you are able to venture outside your room and take in some of the activities,we could all use alittle comedy right now!
Keep the faith my friends,yor are certainly blessed with love, family and friends.
Love & God Bless
Linda & Gord Isaacs